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Hi! I'm Kitch and this is T0D0
(pronounced to do, like the list)

This page is for documenting all of my random projects, experiments, and some other things.

Feel free to use any info in here, information should be free. I don't claim to be an expert in anything though.

That being said, I hope you find something interesting here! I know I have! :)

Anything labelled with this image: means that area of the site is currently under construction. Hopefully soon I'll have less of them floating around.

Contact info

Email me at:


My GitHub Page:

Kitch-N-Sync on GitHub

Check out my Tumblrs:

HTML sucks. I'd rather be coding in C Where did the old web escape to??? The word cyborg turning blue, then being scanned, then turning red, and red cyborg eyes with a target in each eye appear